Typhochlaena seladonia (Brazilian Jewel) 5/8-3/4" & PRO Setup Ready-to-use enclosure (About 1 Year Old)

$625.00 Sold out

Pickup currently unavailable at Home Office

Setup Includes

cross ventilated 40 dram vial

hand cut and hand drilled bark 

shavings for the traps

we pack the enclosure ready to use so there is no setup needed    

I have fine tuned this design so these slings make their traps often within 1 week but at the very least they will be happy and eat for you until they do make their traps 

Pro-setups good for first 12 months of their life - It has worked for HUNDREDS of specimens of these and means no rehousing for a year :)

These will likely need rehousing in 4-6 months.  

Additional Details

The Specs

Genus: Typhochlaena
Species: seladonia
Type: Arboreal/Trapdoor/Dwarf
Temperment: Docile
Endemic Location: Brazil
Adult Size: 2.5-3"

**These guys are well started slings that we have been rasing for a few months and most have traps and have molted at least once.

We have dont the work of getting these guys establshed for you guys!

Species Description

We are here to actually guide you to success with this species. This is one of our specialties!


The pinacle of tarantulas? It is still up for debate, but no doubt the T. seladonia IS the most colorful of the tarantulas known to science.

This species is an arboreal trap door that grabs chunks of bark and creates a makeshift door that blends in with the surface it is on. That includes color and texture making the trap often times undisitinguishable from the bark surface it is on. When insects walk across the trap, the seladonia will pop out and ambush the prey and pull it back into it's layer so that it can remain hidden from other predators. 

The array of colors actually serves to make the spider blend into the bark surface and break up the outline of the body shape. The colors resemble many things including: water droplets, sap dropping and the bark surface itself. These guys are masters of camoflage. 

We ship all of our T. seladonia slings with set up enclosures so you can make sure that your sling thrives! We send the enclosure already SET UP so you dont have to worry about doing it. 

Complete Enclosure includes:

1 Cross vented cage we use here at EU 

1 Handcut bark for seladonia sling WITH Trap Mix!

ALL is set up before we send to you just as the sling was living in it. Most slings have started or have traps before we send them. We pack moss in the vials and all you do is take the packing material out and the cage is ready to use!


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